Disease prevention, Health Promotion, Life style modification


Are you tired of telling yourself, you are going to exercise and then you end up not doing it well you can stop feeling guilty, this is not guilt trip post. This post covers top 9 reasons why you hardly exercise.

(1)Like all good things exercise takes self-discipline and commitment

Self-discipline and commitment are necessary when it comes to keeping to an exercise regimen whether it’s once a week or on a daily basis, sticking to a particular routine can sometimes seem like too much work.

(2)You are Lazy when it comes to physical activity
You would rather consider climbing the stairs in your house as exercise or just imagine yourself exercising without actually doing it.

(3)You have a busy schedule
You are a workaholic and consider exercise of any sort as a waste of time.

(4) You like sleep and can’t imagine waking up early in the morning just to exercise
You love to hit the snooze button when you alarm rings and continue sleeping even after you promised yourself you would exercise that morning.

(5) You feel it is only meant for people who want to lose weight
You think only fat people and models should exercise.

(6) Your body aches after exercising
After the first day of exercise your body felt like it has being doing manual labor and you swore never to exercise again.

(7) You picked the wrong work out
You saw this great exercise routine on YouTube and decided you were going to try it out, didn’t work for you and now you don’t believe in exercising.

(8) You overdo it
So you made up your mind to exercise and on the first day you worked out for 3 hours, now exercising seems like a draining task.

(9) You feel it cost too much money.
You decided to register in a gym but their prices were above your budget.

Exercise takes commitment but you don’t have to take it as one serious task or something that only athletes or serious minded people do. Personally I never really liked exercise until I was gingered (i.e. motivated) by a friend to start jogging. This is a form of exercise I actually enjoy I decided to take exercise in short strides.

I started with just 30 minutes of jogging daily I also set a time frame for two weeks in which i would jog consistently, I did this so as not to put pressure on myself. Sincerely it was painful at first as all my body felt sore but as I got used to it, it became enjoyable and I looked forward to exercising every day.

If you are lazy about exercise you might need to enlist the services of a Personal Trainer to motivate you and keep you on track. You can also find friends who are interested in exercising and you can motivate each other to exercise daily.

Some people are just too busy to exercise on a daily basis, being a career person, a student with a huge work load or a single mother with little kids to raise doesn’t really give you any time to think of exercise or even actually doing it. If you are one of such people who are too busy to exercise daily make good use of your weekend. You can enroll in a gym or a sports club this way you still get to unwind and reap the benefits of exercising.

When it comes to exercising you don’t have to break the bank, some sports club or gyms are quite expensive but there are lots of them that are also quite affordable, look for one that is within you budget and register. Also exercising doesn’t have to cost anything going for a jog, run,walk or skipping cost little or nothing at all.

Everyone likes to sleep in a few hours extra, so getting out of bed early in the morning to exercise might seem like a lot of work. I do it sometimes, there are days I literally have to give myself a pep talk on why I should stand up from bed and when I finally do I have to drag myself to exercise but each time I do, it’s always worth it.

Exercising is not just meant for those who want to lose weight. As part of healthy living, regular exercise is advised as it keeps you strong and healthy physically and mentally.

I know most people already know the health benefits of exercise, aside avoiding complicated health conditions here are a few other reasons why you should start exercising today.

5 Reasons why you should love exercise.

1). Keeps you fit

2). Increases blood flow to all parts of your body giving you a healthy glow.

3). Gives you drive and purpose.

4). Lifts your mood.

5). Helps you lose excess weight.

NB: If you have a heart condition or breathing problems such as asthma, I would advise you to avoid strenuous exercise and also consult with a health care worker so as to know what forms of exercise are safe and still beneficial for you to practice.

Living a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health; you need to start seeing exercise as fun and a necessity for your wellbeing make a decision to start exercising.

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12 Health Benefits of Golden Melon

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Golden melon is part of the melon family and is distinquished by its golden yellow appearance, aside its great taste golden melon has a lot of health benefits as it is rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Here are 12 Health Benefits of Golden Melon

(1) Just like water melon, golden melon contains about 90%  water and is good for hydrating the body system which in turn gives you a healthy glow.

(2) Golden melon is ideal for with weight loss as it is only contains 60 calories per cup.

(3) Golden melon contains copper which helps in skin regeneration which leaves your skin shinning and supple.

(4) Golden melon contains Potassium which helps to decrease high blood pressure.

(5) It contains folic acid which promotes fetal health, making it ideal for preconception care.

(6) It is rich in vitamin C which boosts the immune system and prevents you from coming down with infections.

(7) Golden melon Protects eyesight, it contains an antioxidant Zeaxanthin which protects the macular of the eye.

(8) Golden melon prevents constipation, it is in rich fiber which is known to ease constipation and also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

(9) It is a source of B vitamins- Thiamin and Niacin; these are important anti-oxidants that keep your system toxin free.

(10) Golden melon contains no Carbohydrates and zero cholesterol which means diabetic and hypertensive patients can enjoy it as well.

(11) Golden melon contains calcium; a mineral which is important for building healthy bones and teeth.

(12) Golden melon helps to prevent Anemia, it is rich in folate which is required in the production of red blood cells in our body; consumption of Golden melon will therefore help in the prevention of anemia.


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Health Promotion

How much water should you be drinking?



Water is probably the singular most important element on earth, people have killed for water ways that influenced trade, fought for lands that could provide adequate water for agricultural purposes. We use water for both industrial and domestic purposes but let’s come down a notch, in this post I want to talk about how water affects our health.

Water accounts for 60 percent of the body and is essential to every cell in the body. We use water to cool our body in the form sweat, to circulate oxygen and fuel to our organs and take away waste products via blood.

Water is essential for metabolism, it is also essential for carrying out basic domestic purposes such as bathing, washing, cooking etc. But the question is how much water should we be consuming on a daily basis for our bodies to function properly.


Amount of water you should be drinking daily
Male 3.7 litres (15 cups)
Female 2.7 litres (11 cups)





1-3 years :  3-4 cups

1-3 years :  3-4 cups

4-8 years:   5 cups

9-13 years

Girls:          7 cups

Boys:        8 cups

14-118 years

Girls  :       8 cups

Boys :       11 cups

Research says not less than 3 liters for the average adult helps excrete excess waste product and toxin from the body.





  • Well hydrated skin.
    • Less likelihood having body odor.
    • Aids digestion.
    • Prevents constipation: Taking lots of water prevents constipation.
    • Aids bowel movement
    • Helps the circulatory system function well.
    • Helps the kidneys in osmoregulation.

Consuming the right amount of water could save you trips to the doctors’ office for conditions such as dehydration, constipation etc. consuming the right amount of Water every day is part of a healthy lifestyle .

NOTE: Always drink clean, clear, odorless water.

Data from onemedical .com and Eat.Right. Academy of Nutrition and dietetics.

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Health Promotion, Mental health

10 Ways to Recognize Depression.

Depression has been overlooked by many cultures; people do not believe depression is a serious condition until they have experienced it themselves or have watched their loved ones suffer from depression. What exactly is depression?

Depression is a change in the mood of an individual expressed by feelings of sadness, despair or helplessness it is also known as complicated grieving over events that have happened in the life of an individual be it loss of a loved one, loss of job or heartbreak in a relationship.

In other to live a productive life positive coping mechanisms have to be put in place in other to overcome challenges that life brings across our paths. The thing about depression like any other psychiatric disorder is that once diagnosed, you will be placed on medications for life in other to avoid a relapse.

Here are 10 ways to recognize depression in yourself or a loved one.



Remember the last time you were sad or disappointed, am sure food was the last thing on your mind thats why in individuals diagnosed with depression the desire for nutrition is reduced, this is seen by a significant amount of weight loss in the individual. Although in individuals who stress eat when experiencing depression they tend to get obsess as they try to use excessive eating as a coping mechanism.


Even with mild forms of anxiety like the ones experienced when preparing for an important exam or going for a job interview, a little insomnia (lack of sleep) might be experienced. In the depressed individual the sleep pattern is disturbed, they might wake up at frequent intervals at night or lack sleep totally. While some individuals just can’t get out of bed, they use sleep as a route of escape from the reality of their problems.













This is common in major cases of depression; there is decrease in drive and pursuit of goals and dreams. Even carrying out activities of daily living such as bathing, brushing, changing of bed linens etc. becomes a problem for this individual.


With decreased motivation comes, decreased desire to socialize and gain social support from others because most times the depressed individual feels helpless. You would see a decline in attendance to family gatherings, religious gatherings or social events the individual will ordinary go to. At home the depressed individual likes to be locked in their room all day and would request to be left alone despite efforts of family and friends to engage them in fun activities.


Concentration and making decisions becomes a problem for individuals experiencing depression, there is loss of focus in carrying out a task whether at work or at home. There is also forgetfulness or mild memory loss.




This is an advanced form of low self-esteem the individual feels they have no value, even if they hold important positions in the society. It could also be followed by suicidal statements such as what I am living for. Sadly we have seen celebrities and people who we perceived as happy until they committed suicide because they were depressed.
Feelings of guilt is experienced in major depressive disorders and is usually associated with feelings of worthlessness, you find these individuals sometimes tearing up and asking for forgiveness even when they haven’t done anything wrong.


I know selected mutism is associated with social anxiety but in clinical depression, some individuals express mutism. When addressed they refuse to respond to questions being asked.


People exhibit escapist behaviors for different reasons, a major reason is depression. Alcoholism, substance abuse, gambling and reckless sex with multiple partners are just few of the examples of self-destructive behaviors expressed by people with depression. The basic idea is to replace pain with a more pleasurable experience no matter the health cost of that experience.


This is only seen in severe depressive disorders, it could be auditory or visual, it includes hearing voices or seeing things that are not real. Delusions on the other hand are false beliefs, in most depressive disorders delusions are persecutory, the individual believes the they might be harmed by those around them.


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