
12 Health Benefits of Golden Melon

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Golden melon is part of the melon family and is distinquished by its golden yellow appearance, aside its great taste golden melon has a lot of health benefits as it is rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Here are 12 Health Benefits of Golden Melon

(1) Just like water melon, golden melon contains about 90%  water and is good for hydrating the body system which in turn gives you a healthy glow.

(2) Golden melon is ideal for with weight loss as it is only contains 60 calories per cup.

(3) Golden melon contains copper which helps in skin regeneration which leaves your skin shinning and supple.

(4) Golden melon contains Potassium which helps to decrease high blood pressure.

(5) It contains folic acid which promotes fetal health, making it ideal for preconception care.

(6) It is rich in vitamin C which boosts the immune system and prevents you from coming down with infections.

(7) Golden melon Protects eyesight, it contains an antioxidant Zeaxanthin which protects the macular of the eye.

(8) Golden melon prevents constipation, it is in rich fiber which is known to ease constipation and also reduces the risk of colon cancer.

(9) It is a source of B vitamins- Thiamin and Niacin; these are important anti-oxidants that keep your system toxin free.

(10) Golden melon contains no Carbohydrates and zero cholesterol which means diabetic and hypertensive patients can enjoy it as well.

(11) Golden melon contains calcium; a mineral which is important for building healthy bones and teeth.

(12) Golden melon helps to prevent Anemia, it is rich in folate which is required in the production of red blood cells in our body; consumption of Golden melon will therefore help in the prevention of anemia.


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